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Roach safe plants?

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Has anyone had any luck finding any plants that aren't immediately eaten by roaches, and also won't poison and kill them if they do eat some? I'm very interested in trying a planted terrarium with roaches, but that seems very difficult with their mainly herbivorous diet. I have seen a few enclosures housing roaches with plants, but I have little knowledge of the longterm outcome or specific plant species used. One I saw had a Bromelia species of some kind, and the other I have really no idea, but I saw it at the Omaha Zoo alongside Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. It didn't look to be chewed on at all so I'm going to attach a picture below if anyone can ID it. Please let me know if you know of any roach safe plants, I'd highly appreciate it!


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Plants can survive with roaches in the short to medium term, provided you keep your roaches well fed at all times. I have kept ficus quercifolia with some rainforest species for a year, but the Vivarium eventually got taken over by hissers and they dug it up and chewed the fresh shoot tips.

Cheers from Bill.

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