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Differences between Halloween hissers and "normal" hissers?

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I brought home some Halloween hissers from a reptile show on Sunday, and wanted to make sure that their care is the same as G. portentosa? I tried searching for a care sheet specifically geared towards Halloween hissers, but every one I could find was a generic sheet for hissers in general, or geared towards G. portentosa. Right now I'm keeping their care the same as my "normal" hissers, but I wanted to double check that there isn't anything I should be changing for their care when compared to the others. 

Also, can G. portentosa and E. javanica hybridize? Or would I be able to house them together without issue? 

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They're pretty much the same as Gromphadorhina in terms of husbandry TBH, not much different there.

As for potential hybridizing, a year ago I'd have said it was impossible, but now that we know that Aeluropoda and Gromphadorhina can hybridize, all bets are off IMO... I'd recommend keeping breeding groups of ANY hisser species separate. 

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@Hisserdude Thanks for the response! 

If I did keep them together, would there be a way to tell that they'd hybridized so I could cull the line / separate, or would it be too hard to tell? 

Really was hoping they'd not be able to so I could breed them both in the same bin and avoid having two roach colonies in my closet, but I also don't want to muddy the Halloween lines if I ever actually end up selling bugs. 

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12 hours ago, noivurn said:

@Hisserdude Thanks for the response! 

If I did keep them together, would there be a way to tell that they'd hybridized so I could cull the line / separate, or would it be too hard to tell? 

Really was hoping they'd not be able to so I could breed them both in the same bin and avoid having two roach colonies in my closet, but I also don't want to muddy the Halloween lines if I ever actually end up selling bugs. 

I'd think hybrid offspring between the two genera would look pretty weird and it'd be easy to tell if they did so... You're probably safe to keep them together TBH, but I personally wouldn't risk it. 

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