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A new species of Therea in my collection

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Earlier this week, I was presented with 7 middle aged nymphs Therea nuptialis (Gerstaecker, 1861). This species is very rare in culture, and for me, collecting Corydiinae, this is a very desirable acquisition. I hope that after the nymphs enter the imago, I will be able to get a sufficient number of ootheca and consolidate the species in my culture.

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7 hours ago, Gromphadorhini said:

Earlier this week, I was presented with 7 middle aged nymphs Therea nuptialis (Gerstaecker, 1861). This species is very rare in culture, and for me, collecting Corydiinae, this is a very desirable acquisition. I hope that after the nymphs enter the imago, I will be able to get a sufficient number of ootheca and consolidate the species in my culture.

OMG, I was JUST thinking about this species last night, hoping they'd be in culture one day! :o What a coincidence! Hope they breed well for you, and that they find their way into US culture soon! :)

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On 1/10/2021 at 10:32 AM, Gromphadorhini said:

Earlier this week, I was presented with 7 middle aged nymphs Therea nuptialis (Gerstaecker, 1861). This species is very rare in culture, and for me, collecting Corydiinae, this is a very desirable acquisition. I hope that after the nymphs enter the imago, I will be able to get a sufficient number of ootheca and consolidate the species in my culture.

Super cool! I wish this species was in culture, so best of luck in getting them established! Their wings are pointer than other Therea sp. in the hobby, and their blotches look awesome (at least the photos on Google look nice)! Keep us updated!

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  • 3 months later...
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On 5/7/2021 at 8:02 AM, Gromphadorhini said:

Now in culture there are adults of both sexes. Some females already have ooteca. I hope for a rich brood :)

Male on the photo:


Congratulations, I really hope these do well for you!!! :D

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