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Where to obtain

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Depends what species you may be looking for in particular. If you're looking for websites, Roach Crossing has a fair selection. Also Bugs in Cyberspace offers some species of roaches at times. There are also plenty of keepers here on the forum that keep a variety of things, including myself and a friend of mine Ty Randall. 

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For me, because of where I live (New Hampshire), it can be difficult for me to find online stores that are close enough to me so the shipping won`t be through the roof. So I get that struggle. Cape Cod Roaches is really the only one close to me. Bugs in Cyberspace seems really good, but they are literally across the country from me. As for Roach Crossing, nowhere on their site does it say where they ship from. If anyone could help me with this it would be much appreciated.

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I don't know if it's a combination of political and pathological circumstances, but since I was bitten by the cockroach bug again, I've been a little disappointed by the variety of roaches circulating the UK. Some new species, but you have to sift through a lot of sites, and a lot of feeder dubias, + lateralis and hissers, to find anything different. I could only find one guy on that there auction site selling E. posticus, and I managed to find one private seller with A. tesselata. I was beginning to think the latter had disappeared for good. Now if I can just get my accommodation items together before he runs out of them. Work faster, delivery services...!

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It's like anything else, things get popular for a little while and then everybody gets some and then nobody wants them and then they peter out and then they get popular again when nobody has them. The cycle is problematic for less easy to maintain species but is okay to keep most in perpetuity.

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