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  1. HELP...How can I get rid of the soil mites in my new colony of P. nivea? The infestation is really bad and this is my first colony started 2 months ago. ( just one tank )There are a lot of nymphs running around in the soil and leaf litter. I need to get rid of them as the mites are crawling into other tanks containing reptiles with soil as a base for humidity. I just had a population explosion and the mites are everywhere in the room.Looks like a lot of work to clear them out completely. Can I let the soil dry out completely to kill them off and how will that affect the colony of ' Greenies & the nymphs.?
  2. it does look similar to ...Paratropes cf. bilunata ( Cloud Forest Cockroach ), but it's not.
  3. Hi, can some one id this beauty for me please, much appreciated. I can't seem to find it anywhere.
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