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Unknown Blaberus Sp. on RoachCrossing

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I remember a species of Blaberus being available on roachcrossing.com that is no longer listed on the site. I don't known if Kyle himself is on the forum, but perhaps even someone with a good memory (or advanced species knowledge) can determine what it was.


The species in question was a tan-brown color with the standard Blaberus head stamp, but the photo was a bit dark. It didn't grow super large, and it's temperature requirements were lower than the other species (I believe they started at 68 degrees F). I think it was named after a South American country, but I'm unsure. I definitely remember the description mentioning the species living around drainage areas.



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Blaberus cf. chacoensis "Pantanal" probably. Sadly all but lost from US culture, only one person still has a small handful of individuals left in the US, which may or may not reproduce.

He's also removed Blaberus sp. "Venezuela" from his site, weird.

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3 hours ago, Hisserdude said:

Blaberus cf. chacoensis "Pantanal" probably. Sadly all but lost from US culture, only one person still has a small handful of individuals left in the US, which may or may not reproduce.

He's also removed Blaberus sp. "Venezuela" from his site, weird.

Bingo! I have no idea how you found it... that's really sad news 😭. Who has the last culture?


Before you mentioned that, I didn't even notice the disappearance of Blaberus sp. "Venezuela"!

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20 hours ago, FlamingSwampert said:

Bingo! I have no idea how you found it... that's really sad news 😭. Who has the last culture?

Brandon Maines, unfortunately the adults he received were rather old, so he's not sure if they'll breed or not. But a couple look plump and gravid, so fingers crossed!

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