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Ivory Headed Birth to Adult duration


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I have a colony of Ivory Headed Roaches which have just produced 2 very pretty and fine looking males, including a rather large one I was not expecting to see. I thouhght they would be more on the scale of my Orange Headed roaches but this one beat them out handily.


But I do have one problem, it took me over a year to get them from nymphs to adults - are they normally so slow growing or should I try and adjust my conditions? They're all in my bedroom so I cant finely control heat as I live with my parents but I can control some other factors.


Their container is a large black bin w/yellow lid. I presently only have ventilation from the roof, which is about a dozen inch wide holes spaced about the lid. They have an inch of mixed coco fiber and leaf litter plus some egg crate flats. I worry long term about my ventilation amount as I know my Dubai's, and Orange Headed need more, its kept lightly dry though I do mist periodically in one corner. 


My question is - how long should it take for ivory Headed roaches to reach maturity from nymphs' and how long should I expect it to be till they breed?

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