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list of non-climbing species

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hi all i'm new hear actually found this place because i breed roaches for my geckos (b. lateralis, b. dubia and B. discoidalis) my question is is there a comprehensive list of all the non-climbing/non-flying species of roaches?

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I can think of...

Eublaberus prosticus

Eublaberus distanti

Eublaberus sp. "Ivory"

Blaberus boliviensis

Blaberus fusca (can flutter a little)

Blaberus parabolicus

Blaberus atropos

Byrsotria sp. "Cuba"

Blatta orientalis

Paratemnopteryx couloniana

Those are all non-climbing/flying feeders.

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A lot of the "really cool" ornamentals can either fly or climb (or both!)

Here are a few quirky ones that you may find somewhat applicable:

Lucihormetica sp. (Adults can climb)

Panchlora sp. (Adults can climb/fly)

Archimandrita tesselata (Adult males can supposedly fly; females get too fat to even attempt it)

Blaberus giganteus (Adults can fly but don't tend to)

Blaberus colloseus (Adults cannot fly to my knowledge)

Polyphaga aegyptiaca

Gyna sp. (Adults can climb and readily fly)

Hemiblabera tenebricosa

Byrsotria rothi

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Archimandrita tesselata (Adult males can supposedly fly; females get too fat to even attempt it)

Just wanted to add: The adult males can maintain level or slightly downward flight for a good distance, but they don't fly too readily and don't seem to make much effort at going up.

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Lucihormetica sp. (Adults can climb)

Archimandrita tesselata (See above)

Blaberus giganteus (Adults can fly but don't tend to)

Blaberus colloseus (Adults cannot fly to my knowledge)

Polyphaga aegyptiaca

Hemiblabera tenebricosa

Byrsotria rothi

Almost forgot!

Pycnoscelus femapterus (adult males can climb)

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