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Some tarantula pictures

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I had a Theraphosa burgundy that mismolted a few months ago. The saddness of the event rivaled any other pet bug death I've ever experienced. She was so nice and putting on weight so quickly and destined to be a pink-toed MONSTER!

Hey, it's a roach video and an A. versicolor one I took a few months ago:

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I got mine for free this past September. She has a amazing feeding response and is my favorite terrestrial species I have. Sorry about your loss, that is really unfortunate :(

Great video though! You have to love Avics, I used to have so many species of them but I am down to my last couple the versicolor and a azuraklassi.

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I find tarantulas hard to take care. I've lost A. geniculata, L. parhibana, B. albopilosa, B. vagans, B. smithi, B. auratum, T. pruriens, H. lividum.

Chilean rose is an exception my female lasted 7 yrs I acquired her as an adult. She produced 2 eggsacs.

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I have had some good luck with tarantulas. I have bred C. cyaneopubescens successfully, I don't have a very high death rate with slings (Thats especially true for my Avics). I started with fish, then to reptiles, now I am really big on invertebrates and have been so for about three years now.

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