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Can't Believe it!

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Can't Believe it!

Posted by Dan Haas on 2/19/2004, 3:06 am

This is my first time on this board and I can't believe the response to some ads people place on here! Some one posts a message saying they have lobster roaches at .10 cents a piece here and a bunch of people line up to buy them like crazy. Shop around folks! I sell lobster roaches at local reptile shows at 30 for a dollar and they are currently for sale on my website at .03 cents a piece plus shipping. Do yourself (and your wallet) a favor and shop around a bit and don't jump on the first thing that looks like a good bargain. I'm not trying to sell here or take business away from others. Just don't like to see people paying more than they should.

Dan Haas


Link: Crunchy Critters Roach Farm

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Re: Can't Believe it!

Posted by kevin on 2/19/2004, 1:05 pm, in reply to "Can't Believe it!"

i have seen your website-and i have looked at your:"shop our competition" section. tell me,if there were someone who beat your prices would you put that website in this section also?

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Re: Can't Believe it!

Posted by Bob Carmany on 2/19/2004, 4:45 pm, in reply to "Can't Believe it!"


Crunchy-Critters 100 Lobster roaches $9.00 ($.03 each plus $6.00 shipping)

My usual price 100 Lobster roaches $7.00

($.07 each including shipping

You SAVE $2.00

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Re: Can't Believe it!

Posted by Joel on 2/22/2004, 6:46 pm, in reply to "Can't Believe it!"

Dan, how bad is life that you have to argue over the cost of roaches?

Wow, you sell lobsters cheap, hell everyone has them there a prolific species. I see people trying to give them away with no luck.

I'm sure the world is glad you enlightened them on saving .07 a roach and the masses will rejoice at your stunning .03 Lobsters lol lol...

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Re: I can!!!!

Posted by James on 2/20/2004, 6:44 pm, in reply to "Re: Can't Believe it!"

I'll sell them for!@#$%^. You guys need to settle down. There is room for all of us. My prices are more than both of yours, and I usually ship no less than 500. I do make sure they get over half adults, understand how to care for them, and tell them the goods and bads. To many people sell lobsters without explaning how to deal with them. I personally have never seen you post roaches for sale Bob, but I know Dan gives his customers many constructive ways to feed these little buggers to their pets. I personally hate lobsters, don't ever use them as feeders, and could care less if the where all gone tomorrow. I like all my non-climbers so much better and my pets have such an easier time with them also. Anyway, I don't think we need to bash each others prices. Sell them for what you feel comfortable with and be happy!!!

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Re: Can't Believe it!

Posted by Dan Haas on 2/21/2004, 1:07 am, in reply to "Re: Can't Believe it!"

Would I post someone who sells for less? No. I would not post someone who sells for less. Some person who has extra roaches on hand that his own pets can't eat or don't eat I don't consider competition. There are tons of people who sell for less than I do for short periods of time just to dump extra stock they have on hand. I'm not going to list them all because they might be gone tomorrow. I'm talking about places that have a legitimate business website and run as a business. So setup a website, accept credit cards, apply for a business license, collect taxes and pay them for your business and then maybe I'll add your site to my Shop our competition page.

Link: Crunchy Critters Roach Farm

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Re: Can't Believe it!

Posted by Dan Haas on 2/21/2004, 11:23 pm, in reply to "Re: Can't Believe it!"

You just bashed on yourself there Bob, Even your own ad below says "Shipping (Priority Mail) $5.00" This is in addition to the price you charge for roaches which of course drives up the price as you say. Shipping is an unavoidable expense that any business that sells on the net incures. Cost of shipping is only part of the cost of shipping. Then there is the cost of the box and the heat pack, the time to deliver it to the post office.

May I also quote you on the statement " While they last, they are priced:" I sell every day of the year and have not fallen short yet.

Discounted roaches

Posted by Bob Carmany on 1/1/2004, 7:42 am

I have some VERY prolific Lobster roaches (Nauphoeta cinerea) for sale. I need to get rid of as many as possible. While they last, they are priced:

Adults and final molt nymphs $ .10 each

Intermediate nymphs (assorted sizes) $ .07 each

Shipping (Priority Mail) $5.00

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Re: Can't Believe it!

Posted by Joel on 2/22/2004, 6:46 pm, in reply to "Can't Believe it!"

Dan, how bad is life that you have to argue over the cost of roaches?

Wow, you sell lobsters cheap, hell everyone has them there a prolific species. I see people trying to give them away with no luck.

I'm sure the world is glad you enlightened them on saving .07 a roach and the masses will rejoice at your stunning .03 Lobsters lol lol...

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Re: Can't Believe it! - kevin 2/24/2004, 2:28 pm

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