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Happy Thanksgiving.......


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I wonder how my hissers would like turkey... :D

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I wonder how my hissers would like turkey... :D

I can answer that. They love it! Well at least mine do. I always give them some of whatever I'm eating. Except for sugary junk food. HAPPY THANKSGIVING ALL!!!

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Hi everybody

Happy thanksgiving to you too*!

*Sorry for that really stupid sounding question but I always tought that TG is in December before X-mas (OK, the direct engl.-germ. translation suggest the assumption, that it's related to harvest and is therefore at the end of fall): What IS thanksgiving exactely?!

We here in Switzerland hear/see a lot of turkey-eating in US-movies (and the children start celebrating Halloween too) but nearly no one (like me) knows what it really is about (well, the youth don't even know OUR OWN traditional feasts except X-mas, Easter and national day). 'Erntedankfest' (29. September, might be the thanksgiving counterpart) and other old Germanic Holy Days aren't celebrated quite often... boring Old World.



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Hi everybody

Happy thanksgiving to you too*!

*Sorry for that really stupid sounding question but I always tought that TG is in December before X-mas (OK, the direct engl.-germ. translation suggest the assumption, that it's related to harvest and is therefore at the end of fall): What IS thanksgiving exactely?!

We here in Switzerland hear/see a lot of turkey-eating in US-movies (and the children start celebrating Halloween too) but nearly no one (like me) knows what it really is about (well, the youth don't even know OUR OWN traditional feasts except X-mas, Easter and national day). 'Erntedankfest' (29. September, might be the thanksgiving counterpart) and other old Germanic Holy Days aren't celebrated quite often... boring Old World.



Hello Pharma. Funny, your question made me realize my own ignorance. Its kind of like when somebody asks you to define a word that you typically use every day. Sometimes you have to really think about it. When we think of Thanksgiving, we typically associate it with the pilgrims and the Indians sitting down for a peaceful supper. Thanksgiving is always the last Thursday in November and its a time for us to reflect upon and give thanks for all the good things in our lives from the last year.( Like my new roaches!!! ) Because of your question, however, I'm going to have to do some research to learn about the real origins of my own Holiday.

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