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Reptile show = new Roaches

Curtis T

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Hello Everybody,

I went to the NARBC reptile show today I was looking to add some more Dubia to my colony so I went just looking for them and I did bought 100 for $20.00 then I saw some Lg Madagascar Hissers so I bpught 3 then they told me they had Tiger nyphs so I bought 3, That is 2 off my list that I want to p/u for display then he told me he had question mark nyphs for $3.00 each so I got his card and I am going to get after the first of next month. When I arrived home I started to get everything set up and put away I opened the Dubias and started to put them away and saw that I had 1 adult male 4 - 1/2 to 3/4 inch nyphs and the rest were 1/4 to 3/8 inch I was bumed that their was so many so small. When I bought the 50 mixed off of Roachman26 was a good mix adults to small I guess it is my fault for not checking better. But hay they will grow! Curtis

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