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Honey Bees that is. I just ordered my first hive-box for my new apiary. I should be getting an order of Italian honey bees by mid month and hopefully have the hive up and running a few days after. I'm pretty excited for it, I've always enjoyed honey bees but never had the land to own any. Now I have a 2 acre yard next to my uncles 100+ acre dairy farm and across the street from my neighbors 300+ acre farmland. I feel like not only will I get some awesome raw honey but I'll also be helping the local farmers within the 2-3 mile radius. :)

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I've always wanted to bee keep. Like you I have no room too. My uncle has a friend who has bees next to forest that has all these flowers, and it does something really exotic tasting to the honey. It's some of the best honey ive ever had. I hope yours turns out awesome as well! Keep us updated :)

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I hope that I can move to our property in Tennessee, and be able to afford to build there. The only thing we have there is an outhouse. :rolleyes: I would have the space for keeping bees and many other things that I can't keep here. :rolleyes:

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