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Peppereds and Hissers together?

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After seeing Cindy's pictures of her Peppereds, I have just started thinking about branching out to a second species. I currently have only Madagascar Hissers. Can the Hissers and the Peppereds live together in the same enclosure?

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I had just talked to Kyle about this as a matter of fact! and he said yes you can keep them together. They should be just fine! :) I have my 3 giant caves together now with my little dwarf madagascars, and all seems well. I am happy my pictures inspired you to get some Peppereds.. they are my favorites! Big Beefy things they are.. and quite expressive too.

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I would just worry about nymphs feeding behaviour, one species may end up eating all the food. For adults, I don't see any problem.

I don't worry to much about that. I feed all my roaches the same stuff. The hissers and the non-hissers get the same food. As far as fresh stuff, my peppereds and hissers all love oranges and romaine lettuce and shredded carrots. So that is what they all get. Some eat it, some don't, but it is offered anyway, and taken out the next day.

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What i mean is that, for example, my peppered roaches never feed in front of me, but my hissers, especially colonies with many sub-adults will swarm any food I offer them and finish it in a very short period of time. Having said that, you can always throw in some dead decomposing plant materials for the peppereds to make sure they have something to eat.

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Thank you both for the info. I think I'll look into some Peppereds then. They will be in their own enclosure, with some orange porcellios, until my Hisser enclosure gets overcrowded. Glad I have the option of putting them together.

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