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B. rothi males

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I have heard that male B. rothi can differ in color. My B. rothi have recently started to mature and I have two different color forms of males, tan and black. I was not surprised but one thing puzzles me. The tan male's wings extend all the way to the end of his abdomen while the black males only go a little past half way. Can anyone tell me if this is normal. I will be posting some roach pictures tonight in the photo gallery and you will be able to see the difference. Any insights?

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After looking at several pictures of B. fumigata the wing structure is the same but the pronutum markings are a bit different, possible hybrid? Can B. rothi and B. fumigata crossbreed? I am going to segregate the tan male from the other ones. The only problem is that I have two adult females and three adult males, one tan two black, and there is a good possibility that he has already bred with at least one female if it is possible. I know a lot of ifs but right now I have nothing else to go on. HEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPP.

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I think you answered your own question with that link. It basically says it's normal in B. fumigata so I'd imagine B. rothi would have a similar variation. Mine are the same way, short and long winged but only minor length differences, not nearly as much as the pictured fumigata. I don't think you have hybrids.

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