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Problem with female hissers


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Hello I'm kind if new to keeping hissers(G.portentosa) I recieved them a few weeks ago and this will be the third time I have found aborted eggs or ootheca. I'm at a loss to why. The temps are between 80 -85 plenty of humidity. I give them a good variety of food ie, cat food apples oranges romain lettuce repashy bug burger and other variety of food. I know everything else seems to be good as I just watched one molt no problems and saw another that just molted with no problems. I'm just wondering if the shipping may have caused the females to much stress and that's why they are aborting the oothecas before the are developed. Any help would be appreciated.

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Your guess is probably correct. Because it has been a few weeks, though, I can think of two other possible situations from the information.

1.) They're overcrowded or

2.) the humidity + temperature + enclosure type is making it too warm.

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Wow thanks for the fast reply. I only have like 20 adults with maybe like 5 or 6 nymphs in a huge sterlite tub so I don't think overcrowding is it. It might be the humidity as I do have condensation on the walls of the enclosure. I should tell a little more about my enclosure these hissers are not being used as feeder so I do have substrate in it which is part coco fiber mixed with the bedding I get from bugsincyberspace. I'm going to put more holes in the lid to allow for more ventilation. I'm hoping it's just the stress from being shipped

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I've found with many of my adult roaches that their first attempt always ends up in a failed pregnancy. It seems like they have a membrane back there that has to tear in order for the babies to get out fast enough to survive, and on their first try it doesn't rip fast enough and the nymphs are born dead. (Roach labor should not last an entire day.) This has happened with several of my females, and with different species as well. Once they get past that first one though they have no trouble with future broods.

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I have a Hisser who has been pregnant for 2 months longer than normal, and no birth nor no aborted ootheca, I have no idea if babies can lie dormant until birthing conditions are right, or incubation lasts longer than what I have read.

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I think I saw another one aborting her ootheca even though I don't see it anywhere. I do know that when they first get pregnant that the ootheca is partly out side of the body then drawn back in to position it correctly, I'm hoping that's what was happening.

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