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ID Roach species

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My friend found these in his dubia colony and gave them to me

they look like balberus colosseus or balberus peruvians

its a 1.2 group the females are about 10% larger and just over 2 inches (why I dont think they are colossseus)


thanks in advance for all your help

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Was it from repxotica? Just asking cause I bought dubia from them and some nymphs became these. It was a nice surprise for me, but some people would be upset if they were sold the wrong thing.

I always thought they were discoid but I'm not sure so I'm eager to know what they are too! Mine are all males

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  • 2 months later...

Was it from repxotica? Just asking cause I bought dubia from them and some nymphs became these. It was a nice surprise for me, but some people would be upset if they were sold the wrong thing.

I always thought they were discoid but I'm not sure so I'm eager to know what they are too! Mine are all males

Yes I've owned Discoid and they look just like them.
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