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FS: G. Obolongata

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Posted by Diuble Ds on 4/26/2006, 7:17 pm


Due to the recent arrival of several new species of inverts we are running out of room so there fore for a limited time we are offering.

Blaptica Dubia - SMALL 1000 count $250 shipped

B. Dubia Mixed count $50 per 100

Blaberus discoids – MIXED $6 per 10 - $50 per 100

B. Laterallis - 1000 count MIXED $200

B. Laterallis 100 count $40

Craniifer Fusca Hybrid $50 per 100 count

Lobster roaches 1000 count $70

G. Obolongata 1 adult pair $50 shipped

L. Subscintas adult pairs $25 each (10 pairs available)

Diplotera Punctata (pacific beetle mimic) $20 per 15

Harlequin roaches $35 for 35 adults

P. Vanderbeckie "Big Black" $3 per adult

Prices listed ababove expire May 5th or while supplies last.


Dexter D



Link: http://www.doubleds.org

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