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howdy from n. maine!


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hey folks! just getting into the hobby. not good with latin names yet but just got some dubias and got some peppered roaches coming. looking forward to talking bugs w/ you guys and getting some advice for my colonys care!

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Welcome! :D When I first got into bugs, I was horrible at the latin names. Now I have tons of them permanently etched into my brain! :lol: The dubia are Blaptica dubia, and the peppereds are Archimandrita tesselata. Hope you enjoy the forum!

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thanks! I've always liked big bugs since i was a kid. my collection also includes a 4in. chilean rosy hair and 5in.brazilian giant bird eater t's. the dubias are for their food! the peppered are for pets! and maybe food if they over populate. biggest challenge i have up here is keeping these tropical species warm enough. our winters hit -30f in jan. and feb. quite often and in this trailer it gets pretty cold at times.

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