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Red runner question

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Hey guys I have a question, last year I bought crickets for my reptiles and the girl even gave me a Red Runner that I've been keeping in a small plastic bin feeding him carrots he's still alive and hasn't grown in a long time he's the size of an adult cricket I'm sure he's a red runner well my question is can I put him in my dubia enclosure? or would it be bad? he runs super fast everytime I check on him and since he's only one I won't use it as feeder what would happen if I put him in my dubia colony?

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If you put him with the Dubia colony I would assume nothing would really happen. He (assuming it's a he, does it have wings?) would likely find a little space of his own and just live out the rest of his life with the Dubia.

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I just found out they are very predatory so theres a chance he will eat freshly molted dubia. Granted hes small and in a large dubia colony you prolly wont notice a few go missing.

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  • 3 months later...


seems he's not a Red runner after all :P after a few molts it looks pretty much like periplaneta americana and it became bigger too, I'm guessing it's a male? I'm keeping him in a small container with 2 dubia's they seem to get along fine

I love those tbh I used to go outside at night to capture some and keep them as pets when I was younger but the only thing that stops me breeding them is they damn fly :o I'd freak me out if I had a colony and while cleaning/feeding the enclosure one of them flew at my face lol :lol:

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