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Roaches comin out the yin yang


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Well I have small group of javanica hissers, small colonies of pantanal and lobsters. They are finally doing great. Hundreds of lobsters, dozens of hisser hymphs and my pantanals just started giving birth. Here's my problem. I have 4 half grown pac man frogs that eat collectively 12 lobsters a week. They aren't big enough to tackle the pantanal adults or the hissers. I may have over calculated how many species I needed lol. I better start researching some more insectivores...... Over all thought, one lobster roach is equal to like 4 crickets.

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I tend to have the same problem I have lots of spiders, assassins, centipedes but they all only get one roach a week but have like 4 types of feeder roach colonys. So I started offering them on craigslist and have 2 people who come by weekly for roaches now. Then when it gets really crazy I sell or trade big lots of roaches at wholesale prices. If I had those spieces I would try to sell lobsters on craigslist people will more likely know the name use the pantanal yourself and sell hissers as pets. Every one asks for my dubia but when I say orange heads they say whats that. lol The most regular customers I have are people with bearded dragons they eat lots of roaches :) Hope this helps or gives you something to think about. :)

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I recently learned this but facebook has classified groups finally a use for facebook. Im in 8 legs over texas, austin/san antonio exotic pets, and texas exotics classifieds. Their pretty active a few ads a day. There might be one in your area to. Those are all good cash options this is the place to post if you want to trade in my expiernce.

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