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Huge Gyna caffrorum

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Today while misting my Gyna caffrorum colony, I noticed something very strange. Usually, while misting, several adults will come out of hiding and run around a bit before burrowing back down. I have not measured my Gyna caffrorum, but I'd say the adults average around 1" in size, some slightly larger than others.

But out of nowhere, this massive individual climbs atop the egg carton, and quickly disappears. Being quite surprised by his size (hes easily twice as big as any other individual), I decided to painstakingly dig him out for a few pictures.

Has anyone else had freakishly large individuals pop up in their colonies? Sorry for the bad pictures. I did place him into another container with an average-sized individual to try to show just how big he is.


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That my just be male vs female size, with the female being the larger one, or perhaps the small individuals are just undernourished? You got dead leaves in the enclosure? Seems this genus really likes them, and even prefers them to other foods.

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That my just be male vs female size, with the female being the larger one, or perhaps the small individuals are just undernourished? You got dead leaves in the enclosure? Seems this genus really likes them, and even prefers them to other foods.

They have a large supply of dead, dried oak leaves. Yes, that's basically all they eat really, and occasionally fish pellets or Apple.

I should add, this is the only one even close to this size out of perhaps 15-20 adults.

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Well, sounds like they have a good diet then, compared to the quarter, it seems like a normal sized female. Maybe you have been really unlucky and only have one female out of all the ones that have matured thus far? (And your males have all just been tiny?) Have you checked the genders of your smaller adults?

EDIT: Just read the section on Gyna cafforum in Orin's "For the Love of Cockroaches", and he says the males of this species of Gyna are especially tiny compared to the females, so yeah, looks like this individual is the only adult female you have so far, and she's normal sized.

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Well, sounds like they have a good diet then, compared to the quarter, it seems like a normal sized female. Maybe you have been really unlucky and only have one female out of all the ones that have matured thus far? (And your males have all just been tiny?) Have you checked the genders of your smaller adults?

EDIT: Just read the section on Gyna cafforum in Orin's "For the Love of Cockroaches", and he says the males of this species of Gyna are especially tiny compared to the females, so yeah, looks like this individual is the only adult female you have so far, and she's normal sized.

Very interesting. I wondered why I did not have see any nymphs since I bought them back in November, then all at once I see nymphs and the mom running around.

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