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Northern Bugs!


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My name's Steph and I have a pretty ridiculous menagerie in my house.  In addition to my interest in roaches, I have about a dozen different tarantulas, a horrid king assassin bug, death feigning beetles, and a giant whipscorpion.  Moving to the caged vertebrates, I have a carpet python, a herd of Syrian hamsters (I have a handful of genes I breed for), sugar gliders, short-tailed opossums, and a little winter white hamster.

Then there's the bulldog, the pug, and the miniature pig. 

Like I said, we're ridiculous... but it's my house & my rules.  I have to close the doors to two of the bedrooms for my mother to even step foot in here, lest she accidentally glimpse a spider or some other creepy crawly as she walks through.

Ages ago, I had madagascar hissers which was my first real interest in roaches, though they doubled as pets and feeders for bearded dragons.  Right now I have the oddly combined dubia/turk colony that are feeders for just about everyone: T's, Vlad (the assassin bug that dislikes crickets, but finds dubias acceptable and baby turks a delicacy), the whipscorpion who's still currently nameless & tiny, the 'possums & gliders, and especially the pig.  Olive saves me from strays, because if I drop a bug while feeding, I just say "Olive, find it!" and her nose hits the floor. 

I've been working in the pet industry for 20+ years now and have experience with all kinds of critters.  I love working with animals, teaching people about them, and learning more things every day.

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Sounds like you got quite the collection lol, good for you! :D Glad to have you here on the forum, hope you enjoy it here! 

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I've always liked the roaches and tarantulas, but the centipedes and whipscorpions were definitely an acquired interest.  It wasn't too many years ago that I drew a hard line at centipedes. . . and then I did some reading.  This past summer, I actually cried when my flagtail centipede died.  Granted, a lot of that was guilt because I'd forgotten to take into consideration just how fast that stupid ceiling fan was going to dry out the bins, but I was very sad.  I still can't find a new one, since the Brits (who seem to have plenty) can't ship to the US.  So I've got a tiger on order from Peter, and I'm still thinking about getting a subspinipes.  I'm just on the fence about having one that's that venomous in the house, since I've got the dogs and a pig who thinks bugs are delicious.

So if anyone has a line on flag tailed centipedes, let me know :P

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Welcome to the forum! If you contact Kyle at Roach Crossing, I'm pretty sure he has some subspinipes or at least can point you in the right direction. Same with the flag tail, though that one doesn't seem to pop up as often. 

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He is really cool.  I love watching him look for food.  That pair of legs that doubles as antennae are really amazing in their ability to seek out where the prey went to, and he can sure scoot there fast!

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