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Other Critters in the House


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Hiya kids!  Doing a bit more exploring of the forum and thought I would share a pic of one of the other invertebrates in my house.  For those of you who know my work at the Butterfly Pavilion here in Westminster, Colorado, you'll know that I greatly enjoy capturing images of our Colorado bugs...including some of the cool spiders that call our state home!  Here is one great example, a female house spider (Parasteatoda tepidariorum) currently residing in my garage window.  She just finished enjoying a local assassin bug that was unfortunate enough to be invited over for dinner (you can just make out the knee).


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Any shots of the assassin? Might be able to ID that for you too! Gotta love Parasteatoda, they really are incredible eaters. If they think they have half a chance of eating it they will lol. 

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