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African Clawed Frogs


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Here is one of my frogs. This one is named the wanderer. He is my escape artist out of the bunch. Came home the other day from work and noticed my filter lid floating in the tank. Decided to count frogs and sure enough one was missing. Went upstairs to wake someone up to help search for him. Came down the stairs and guess who I found hopping up the stairs.  Thankful he was not injured and I found him (he found me) I'm not sure how he survived the 4foot drop from tank, plus wondering dry for idk how long and did not get eaten by cats or the dog. Anywho it's all good. Need to get him a few gal pals one day. Ok what's my story for the day. Since then I fixed the tank to help prevent escaped. So with luck it won't happen again. Anyone else raise these guys?


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Yeah mine got out do to error on my part. I did a partial water change and filled the tank too full. Well lesson learned wont happen again. Im happy i found him though because... A) I like my frog too much, I would have felt terrible if he had died. B.) I could only imagine what i would have had to listen to if my bf was sitting on the couch playing his video game and a frog wandered across the floor in front of him. Never would have heard the end of it or he'd want me to get rid of them. <_< Probably would have ended our relationship then and there... because I'm not getting rid of my frogs, I like them too much. :D

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I used to keep these guys awhile back. Its hard to find ones that arent albino these days. Right now I only have one little community tank and if I got one again it would eat all my fish in a week. lol

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http://xenopus.com/ has normal ones. I keep mine in my fish tank. My males are about 31/2-4 inches I've always hand fed mine I've never had an issue with them trying to eat any of my fish.  (Even when my fish were smaller.) I've had them for 4 years.  Eventually I'd like to get more of them and have a tank all there own which would be nice.

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