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Mixed roach set up

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Posted by keith on 4/15/2007, 12:42 pm

im new to bugs but i would like to set up a 55 gal aqurium with differt types of roaches here is what i want to do please tell me if it will work i want to put in reglar hissers,mini tiger hissers,neostycopyga rhombifolia,pseudomops septentrionalis im looking to put 6 of each and 40 isopods (20 white and 20 orange) im thinking wheat bran in the bottom the decor will cover at least 1/2 of the bottom it has a space on the under side 2 inchs high for hideing and is abou 12 inchs tall for crawling up


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Posted by orin on 4/15/2007, 10:50 pm, in reply to "mixed roach set up"

That sounds like a reasonable setup. It's fine to mix most roaches in a large cage in small numbers. If a few species, such as Neostylopyga or G.portentosa, eventually reproduce in quantity you'll want to thin their numbers to prevent them from crowding out less sturdy species.


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Posted by Paul on 4/16/2007, 9:59 am, in reply to "Re: mixed roach set up"

The only issue you might have is the isopods dying off, since they need a fairly moist/humid environment to thrive. It might be easier if you have the coconut fiber or peat on the bottom... kept damp for the isopods, and I'm sure the roaches will do good w/the humidity also. Otherwise you'll have good roaches breeding and dead isopods (which are my favorite organism). If you have any questions on how to keep them in a good way check out my site w/all the info....

Link: Planet Porcellio


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Posted by keith on 4/17/2007, 10:11 pm, in reply to "Re: mixed roach set up"

ok thanks just useing the 55 as a starter to see if i can get into bugs something new looks cool by the time they start to breed good i will know if i want to keep bugs or not then i will give them to my brother to feed to his lizard or i will up grade them to a 125 gal aqurium that i have

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