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Roach mite issue:

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Posted by Matt K on 5/20/2007, 10:53 am

Can anyone identify what is going on with these Eublaberus distanti ??? They recently have developed mites that are 1/3 to 1/4 the size of the typical mite that invades old food items, and is only seen on the roaches themselves. I have been losing nymphs with some consistancy.


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Posted by orin on 5/29/2007, 10:46 am, in reply to "Roach mite issue:"

Those are a stage of the common grain mite that follows a population explosion. The overcrowding causes them to go into a phase where the exoskelteon thickens and they grow suction cups to stick to specific objects (primarily objects similar to large arthropod skeletons so that they might be carried off to somewhere else).


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Posted by Matt K on 6/2/2007, 12:41 am, in reply to "Re: Roach mite issue:"

These pictured mites have been eliminated. It was due largely to a husbandry issue I believe. The E.distanti were moved to a different tub that had been treated on the outside with a tiny amount of Permethrin. Mites went away and roaches have not! The roaches appetite and activity level picked up considerably as well.

Be very careful with Permethrin. Tiny amounts did not affect my roaches, but had losses of mites (good and bad) and isopods elsewhere in the same room....

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Posted by Matt K on 6/16/2007, 9:43 am, in reply to "Re: Roach mite issue:"

You realize that there are many different species of mites that live around roaches, right? And I assume you also know that there are many that live with roaches that are harmless, too. While mites are seemingly omni-present, I currently have no problems with mites at all. There or not. If you are not keeping roaches, this may not be the forum for you.

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Posted by Olivia on 6/18/2007, 2:38 am, in reply to "Re: Is this person for real?"

Let me clarify something. Lice are a type of insect. They are NOT even closely related to mites, which are a type of arachnid. When you group grain mites, parasitic mites, and lice into the same category, you show a gross misunderstanding that the majority of organisms in this world are very tiny and very diverse.

It sounds like you've had to deal with some serious grain mite outbreaks. I'm sorry to hear that. But the mites most likely did not come with your roaches. Those types of mites appear when grain products (including commercial cat/dog/roach foods) or carrion (including dead roaches or crickets) are exposed to humidity or damp substrate. Dormant mites are present both in the grain products and the substrate, so it's a matter of having the right conditions to trigger an outbreak. It can happen with or without roaches being present.

I have an entire room full of roaches, nearly 70 species and something around 100 colonies in various types of set-ups. I can assure you that I don't have mites swarming my cages or shelves. I would probably go nuts if I did.

As for you, you may be surprised to learn that you have mites living on your eyelashes, bedsheets, carpeting, and furniture. They're not lice, and they're not roach mites. But they are mites that will always be there. Just accept it.

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Re: Theory

Posted by Matt K on 6/19/2007, 9:43 am, in reply to "Theory"

Dude. It is incrediably obvious to everyone who reads this forum that you are not educated about the topic you are discussing and draw many of your own conclusions without learning something about this subject. If you are "Never a Roach Keeper Again", please refrain from typing pointless, misinformed comments on this board more than once. I prefer to learn from what roach people post here and not read about what issues you have to vent ad infinitum. We all understand you have some problem with mites.

** And Yes, you have mites on your person like it or not. They are measured in nanometers, burrow in your skin, scoot down into your hair follicles, and every other orafice you have to offer. Most healthy humans carry dozens of mites, bacteria, and virus....and almost nobody refers to them as "lice".

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Posted by Rookie on 6/19/2007, 4:16 pm, in reply to "Re: Theory"

Quite frankly, this is getting ridiculous. “roaches never again” you need to just move on to the next subject. Obviously your warning holds no weight in this forum. Thanks for your insight but it is time to move on. Let everyone experience it for their own. You are not going to get anywhere with your argument and quite frankly it is ruining a perfectly good forum to discuss and chat the common objectives – to raise roaches. Not everyone’s experience is going to be the same. Too bad that you had a difficult time with roaches. But I have been raising roaches (not as long as some of you) and I have not had a problem with them at all. They surprise me sometimes when I haven’t seen them for two weeks or so and I see a bunch of tiny roaches, or the smaller roaches suddenly became fatter. They are happily devoured by my monster fishes (Oscars-16in, Shovelnose Cat – 22in, Jaguar Cichlid – 12, freshwater eel – 20+, and a giant pleco about 20 inch) they all murder the roaches and it is more amusing than you think to watch them. Please don’t ruin this forum because you hated your experience. If I get mites I will say you told me so, but until then please let me enjoy the other post.

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Posted by Allpet Roaches on 6/20/2007, 5:57 pm, in reply to "Re: Theory"

Message modified by board administrator 6/20/2007, 6:25 pm

'Previous roach raiser' your posts were deleted because they did not include a valid e-mail address as indicated at the top of the board. The tone and lack of facts brought them to our attention. We apologize to users for lack of congruity in the thread due to deleted posts.

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