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Hisser dropping eggs!

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One of my female hissers is leaving individual eggs around the tank. There are eight roaches in a maybe 18"X6"X6" plastic container, with egg cartons, soil, moss, and wood. She appears healthy in every other way, and has been adult for around 6-8 months. I took the eggs out and put them in a medium of moist soil, near some heat. Can anyone tell me what's wrong here?

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One of my female hissers is leaving individual eggs around the tank. There are eight roaches in a maybe 18"X6"X6" plastic container, with egg cartons, soil, moss, and wood. She appears healthy in every other way, and has been adult for around 6-8 months. I took the eggs out and put them in a medium of moist soil, near some heat. Can anyone tell me what's wrong here?

Usually if they abort an ootheca it's the whole thing not individual eggs...? It can happen for a number of reasons but disturbance is the main one. The eggs will not live outside the females body however. I'd wait a couple of months until she should produce again and see what happens.

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So I should just leave her alone more? A few other females are gravid too, wouldn't want this happening to them! I'll just toss the eggs, then.

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So I should just leave her alone more? A few other females are gravid too, wouldn't want this happening to them! I'll just toss the eggs, then.

Leave her alone. Throw away any eggs/egg masses that are outside the roach- they will not live or are alerady dead.

The roaches probably need to be in a larger container than that. Normally hissers only drop eggs/ootheca if there is something wrong with thier care. Too wet, or too dry for to long, not fed in a long while (more than a week regularly), temps too cold/hot, etc.

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Ok, she's only aborted 5 eggs so far. I keep them misted often, about 80 degrees, and feed them once a day or every other day. Should I move them to a bigger container now, or wait to see if she doesn't abort the other eggs?

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Cockroach infertility, who'da thunk it? I'll get the a bigger cage soon anyway to make the other females more comfortable. Thanks for the quick responses.

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