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Lone roach?


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I have 13 Blaberus discoidalis that I am attempting to start a colony with. I would like to be able to count how many young one of my females has when/if she gives birth. The roaches seem to do well together but I don't know how it goes if a roach is alone. Would it be stressful for the roach if I were to keep her alone until she gives birth? I would like to know when it happens, and see the babies, without disturbing all the roaches by moving their hides around in their container. If it is bad for them to be alone, I will not separate her from the rest of her culturemates. Has anyone else separated a gravid female from her culture, and had good results?

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I have 13 Blaberus discoidalis that I am attempting to start a colony with. I would like to be able to count how many young one of my females has when/if she gives birth. The roaches seem to do well together but I don't know how it goes if a roach is alone. Would it be stressful for the roach if I were to keep her alone until she gives birth? I would like to know when it happens, and see the babies, without disturbing all the roaches by moving their hides around in their container. If it is bad for them to be alone, I will not separate her from the rest of her culturemates. Has anyone else separated a gravid female from her culture, and had good results?

I do it all the time if I want a genetic trait, she'll be fine....

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Some females move away from the other roaches on their own to make sure the young are safe from cannibalism. As hisserman said, she'll be fine.

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