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dog/cat food container keeps bugs in or out


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Recently have been shopping around trying to find the perfect enclosure. Walked down the pet isle of kmart, there they were. Pest proof petfood containers!! There was a 10lb size and a 25lb size. Wow they work great switching over completly(except show tanks). Now there is one drawback vaseline doesn't like to stick to the walls so I just keep an eye on it and keep a really thin layer. The 25lb size comes with wheels which are taped so I left the tape no need for wheels. Cannot provide pics at this time laptop is down. The humorous part is that these were created to keep roaches etc out lol. Now these containers are slightly more pricey then tupperware(15-25?) but every penny was worth my time. Really excited and needed to vent hehehe.Ian

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Are these the ones you got? Prepping for a colony now, and these are available locally if worth the price.

I just picked up a similar but smaller container at Wal-mart for $3.50 on clearance, the regular price was $6.88.. It holds 5lbs and the brand name is "pureness". I am sure that there are larger ones, but I have some small colonies, and this thing looks perfect.. I have yet to modify it for ventilation, but the seal looks like it will work great. I always check clearance at department stores, and most of my modified mantids' containers that didn't once hold snacks, were picked up from various dollar stores. People sometimes ask me what I need the containers for, as I thouroughly check the integrity of my soon to be modified containers. :o My answer usually clears the isles. :lol:

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Take into account that a couple of my colonies are really small, like 10 or less. With my largest,(other than Surinams that are smallish creatures) I started out by getting a few discoids, 4 to start with, but I went and bumped that up to 13. It has only been a couple of months, but I now have at least 70. I see some larger containers in my future. :lol:

Very good. I am looking to start a small colony for feeding a few critters, so I was wondering if I could get by with something smaller than the large tubs I see most folks using.
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