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Hi everyone! I'm new to join the forum but I've been reading everyone's posts for a few months. My mom recently allowed me to join the forum, and I'm excited to share my enthusiasm with fellow roachers. :) I have 7 roaches. My first was a Madagascan Hisser who came to me old, slow and missing segments of his legs. He's still my favorite (that's a picture of him in my avatar). The next roaches I got were three flat horn hissers from Roach Crossing which I acquired as a gift after being in the hospital. One of them I named Kyle since he was so nice to give me not one, but two extras! For Christmas my mother gave me a Tiger Hissing roach and a Halloween Hisser. And along with them Kyle sent me two free Madagascan Hissers, one of which I gave to my sister. :) I also have a tarantula (Chilean Rose Hair). And sea monkeys. Will post pix soon. Happy to be here!

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Zoltan, thank you for the welcome! :)

Nancy, my mom is very cool! Thank you for welcoming me. I'm sure I will find some helpful information here too! :)

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Welcome. Most people's addiction starts with hisser varieties...I feel like the odd man out having gotten them at #18 or 19 of my 27 or so species, lol.

You'll soon be corrupted into keeping Eublaberus or Blaberus likely by Kyle and Periplaneta or Eurycotis by myself, hehe. We are a twisted bunch; glad to have you.

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Hi and Welcome! I love how excited you are about your roaches! Congratulations on them, and it looks like you found some very good friends here!

Keep posting and talking and listening...You will learn a lot of things here!

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vfox... If only! My mom right now is limiting me to wingless roaches. But I'm working on it. :) Thanks for the welcome!

Cindy... Thanks! I'm glad to join this community. Thank you for welcoming me! :)

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If your mom are afraid winged roaches 'cause they can fly, tell him not all winged roaches can fly. Show him some flirtatious videos on Youtube or any other video shareing site. They are beautiful when spread their wings. :D Maybe she will be in love with them and your house is gonna be a roach kingdom. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

No, she knows they don't fly. She just doesn't like the idea of the winged ones. But now she's reconsidering. We found a pet store that had peppered roaches, and she held one and said it was alright. :)

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