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Hello all,

I'm a student in California with an avid interest in inverts. Although I'm only keeping a few G. Oblongonota as pets as of now, I plan to acquire more species as I get the chance to. I actually first got into inverts after finding a chinese mantis perched on my front fence gate, who I kept for three weeks or so. I'm looking forward to conversing with you all.



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Hi Orin,

Not yet, I've only obtained a few large nymphs (2"+) 3-4 weeks ago, I'm not sure how close they are to adulthood, but I haven't seen any molts yet.I've heard about the monster males, of course, actually that was one of the reasons I decided to get oblongonota. :D

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In the past I had a small male Hisser and I remember he would never hiss at all! He was kept alone got him as a pet. Was the lack of hissing meaning he was tame and not nervous when I held him?

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Although I've heard oblongonota hisses more than portentosa,mine rarely hiss. Only one or two hiss, and only when I scare them in the morning. In that case, I'm going to have to echo Keith's question.

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