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PLEASE Help! Lateralis sick and dying daily


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Hi I have a colony of b lateralis ive had for about a month and daily im finding 2 or 3 lats that are acting odd like they cant hardly walk and are twitchy and cant flip over if on their backs, after about 24hrs they always die.. Its always the nymphs dying and my 11 other roach colonies are fine. Can anyone help me?

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I had the same thing happen to my dubia colony when I got it. I figured it was overheat since when I unpacked them, the egg crates were soaking wet and there was a wet mush of dead roaches at the bottom of the box. Then I kept losing adult females, males and nymphs for about a week or so after. Usually 5 or so a day, slowly dropping to 2-3 a day. Now it seems fine after about 3 weeks(knock on wood). They did the same thing, spaz out and run frantic like they were confused, then lose motor skills, not be able to right themselves up, lethargic and then die. I never did figure out what was going on. All I did was clean the dead out daily and pray. I lost about half my colony order of 40 females, 15 males, 100 large nymphs and 500 mixed nymphs. But like I said, they seem ok now even though I do find a couple dead here and there but its adults so I figure those are just old age. Anyways good luck and hope you don't lose as many as I did.

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Thank you! Im losing a few a day, the adults are all fine and I got tons of egg cases. So hopefully ill get new babies to replace the die offs. I contacted the guy they came from. Hopefully he will email me back tomorrow..i love my roaches and the lats are one of my faves, I hope this quits happening, they look so sad all impaired and dying :(

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Thx, im still waiting to hear back from the guy they came from..i tried more ventillation to see if that helps, I thought they might be getting too hot. Ive tried just about everything at this point, ill keep everyone updated at whats going on. Its odd cause my 11 other colonies of different types of roaches are doing excellent.

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