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Are These Species in the Hobby?

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I've come across some neat roach species lately and was wondering if any were in the hobby? I found several all nice species, but those seemed less likely to be in the hobby due to location. The species I'm curious about are:

Lucihormetica grossei

Panesthia angustipennnis

Microdina forceps

Any species in the genus Prosoplecta

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Everything (it seems anyways) that is in culture in other places always gets spread world wide.

The US has strict regulations about importing animals, so it is difficult to bring in species from other countries. It seems that many captive species end up filtering through the cracks anyway though. Perhaps they are brought by researchers.

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They have strict regulations yes, but many people from different countries and such import them in simple packages everyday and those people dont open them up to the public

That would be a very risky thing to do, considering that the USDA does inspect a portion of packages coming in from other countries, and consequences can be severe. However, I agree with you that many exotic species probably arrive that way.

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It's unlikely researchers would risk their careers to illegally introduce organisms into the hobby. They would become the first suspects if a previously unavailable species suddenly became available and they were the ones who applied for the proper permits to have them.

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Yeah it's tough to get new species like that in the hobby with the strict regulations of the USDA. I'd like to get some interesting beetles, but all of them are illegal in the US due to the supposed risk of them becoming pests if they get out. I don't fully agree with it all the time, but there are some cases where it makes sense.

I thought about bringing some roaches back with me from Kenya when I was doing fieldwork over there this summer, but I didn't just to play it safe. It would have been cool to have those species here, but it likely wouldn't have been worth it, especially if I got caught. Maybe someday those species will make it here though (from someone else lol) :)

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