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Food Items for Roaches


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I regularly feed my roaches fruits and vegetables once a week. Last week I tried feeding my roaches some left over pineapple. For some reason they did not consume the pineapple pieces and I noticed some dead roaches around my bins. Are there any food items that could be very harmful for roaches? I tried to google search but nothing came up because searches will just show diet suggestions for dubia roaches. My roaches are N.Cinerea(Lobster roaches) , G. Portentosa (Hissers) , E. Prosticus (Orange head roaches), B.Dubia, and B. Lateralis (Turkestan roaches).

So anybody got a list of food items that will be harmful for my roaches? I live in a tropical area so fruits and vegetables are very readily available. Tips and advice will be very much appreciated. TIA.

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I don't know of any foods that are safe for humans but not roaches... I might be wrong though. I regularly feed goldfish flakes, old fruit from the fridge, and cat kibble. I mist them every couple of days as well

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I really think pineapple is not safe for my roaches since i only notice dead roaches when i feed them pineapple and they dont seem to consume it right away. I tried this twice and dead roaches popping up. Now i just buy some Calabaza since it is cheap and breeders seem to find a lot of success in breeding roaches when they feed them Calabaza and moringa w/c are readily available.

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