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Howdy everyone, I'm Waylon, I'm a spider guy, a regular at Tarantula Forum, just started collecting roaches and scorpions. I currently keep dubia, lateralis, and E species ivory(ivory heads) as feeders, with a batch of suriname roaches coming. (I want to try them with slings and juvies). I found myself liking hissers, so I got some and now I keep E javanica, G portentosa and I intend to add A insignis to the communal, which is doing fantastic...everyone's having babies, and all life stages of both species are scattered around mingling peacefully, although I have noticed the two species tend to group with their own when the colony is quiet. Anyway I'm late introducing myself, my apologies for that, it's great to be here, and I'm already learning a bunch just browsing your threads, so thanks :)

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Welcome to the forum! :) Hope you learn a lot about the wonderful world of roaches! Also cool little community you've got with the E. javanica, and G. portentosa!

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Hey Mass, nice to see your formal introduction. :) You never did get any pics of the E.sp "Ivory", did you? If so I missed it. Had your hissers are doing well, be prepared for one species to eventually out compete the other though... The A.insignis in particular are supposed to be very prolific.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks guys. @Hisserdude yeah the ivories are doing well, and I completely forgot to get pics of them for my thread. They seem to like burrowing more then dubia do, but then again I started the colony with nymphs. I can't wait to get some mature adults to photograph. My concern is I'm going to get attached and not want to use them as feeders >:(

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Yeah they are a burrowing species, both Eublaberus and Blaberus seem to like burrowing, even as adults. Well if you get attached to them at least you'll have another pet roach species! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone, this is my firat time on a forum, I recently got into the hobby of roaches which my mom hates! Im 17 and I must say its really nice to see peoplewith the same interests. These are current species I own, I also have a few others that are common.

Gyna Caffrorum

Ergaula Capucina

Blaberus Craniifer

Gold dubia

Princisia Vanwaerebecki-Giant Form.

Periplaneta Australisiae

If you're interested in care or anything, id be happy to help!

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Hi everyone, this is my firat time on a forum, I recently got into the hobby of roaches which my mom hates! Im 17 and I must say its really nice to see peoplewith the same interests. These are current species I own, I also have a few others that are common.

Gyna Caffrorum

Ergaula Capucina

Blaberus Craniifer

Gold dubia

Princisia Vanwaerebecki-Giant Form.

Periplaneta Australisiae

If you're interested in care or anything, id be happy to help!

Welcome to the forum, there are lots of people with the same interests as you can see, hope you enjoy it here! :D

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Hi everyone, this is my firat time on a forum, I recently got into the hobby of roaches which my mom hates! Im 17 and I must say its really nice to see peoplewith the same interests. These are current species I own, I also have a few others that are common.

Gyna Caffrorum

Ergaula Capucina

Blaberus Craniifer

Gold dubia

Princisia Vanwaerebecki-Giant Form.

Periplaneta Australisiae

If you're interested in care or anything, id be happy to help!

Welcome to the forum! :) Yep, there are a ton of super roach enthusiasts on here including me! :D

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