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Roach Crossing - Upcoming site updates?


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Kyle is now four months overdue for his spring 2016 site update. I've been looking forward to seeing what new roach species he's gonna have in store, and so I check back to the site often. The site is down at the moment though. Kyle is also supposedly on a collecting trip in Arizona at the moment, or so says his Facebook. I'm hoping that means the site update is coming soon! Maybe it'll update with the option to buy some of the things he collected in Arizona!

I know it's odd I'm making a whole new post about an update to a dealer's site, but I'm growing restless! I want new roaches! :P

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I know, I've been patiently waiting this whole time, his site will go down occasionally though, and when it comes back up nothing has changed. :( He probably won't be updating it until after the AZ trip, my guess is he'll do another near year's update.

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I imagine with school, work, life, and trying to properly maintain a considerable number of roach species, he has difficulties at times getting his site updated.

If there's something in particular you're looking for, it never hurts to email him and ask what he has. I've done it in the past. Just because it isn't listed doesn't mean he doesn't have it.

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I imagine with school, work, life, and trying to properly maintain a considerable number of roach species, he has difficulties at times getting his site updated.

If there's something in particular you're looking for, it never hurts to email him and ask what he has. I've done it in the past. Just because it isn't listed doesn't mean he doesn't have it.

He already graduated from his college a couple years ago. But yea, even just caring for the 100+ roach species he has, I can imagine how hard it would be to find time to update a website.

Your right, it's always good to ask a seller if they have a certain species available even if it's not in stock or listed on a site, I've asked Peter a number of times and he often has what I'm looking for.

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Speaking of new species, what species have hit the hobby recently? The only ones I know of are Panchlora sp. White and Dorylaea orini.

The two Balta species, Loboptera decipiens and L.dimidiatipes, a couple of native Ectobiids, cf. Lamproblatta albipalpus, and Kyle apparently has a third species of Panchlora in his collection that's not the white species, which he says will remain a mystery until he updates his site. (Perhaps the Panchlora sp. "Northern Costa Rica" listed here?). Plus Hemithyrsocera histrio and Eucorydia aenea have entered the US hobby, though I don't know if Kyle has those species.

BTW, D.orini is not technically new to the hobby, Orin has had them for quite a while.

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