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Hello, new roach keeper here


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Hi all, just a quick post to introduce myself. As you might have guessed from my user name I'm from the UK, London to be precise, and have joined this forum partly because I love insects in general and it's nice to find a group of people who share that interest, but more precisely because a few weeks ago I went to the UK Amateur Entomologists' Society's annual fair and exhibition for the first time, and came home with, you guessed it, some pet roaches :-) 

They are Madagascan hissers, I am assuming probably hybrids, and I have three of them, two females and a male. This is the first time I have ever kept roaches, or indeed insects of any kind, so I am very new to this, very worried about getting it right so my new little pets can thrive, and have lots of questions which I am hoping the experienced keepers here will be able to help me with. I'll post the questions on what I hope will be more appropriate forums later, but in the mean time this is just to say hello!

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