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New eurycotis decipiens and a Millipede

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That was fast! LOL I ship them to Peter, he gets them on Thursday, you buy them, and receive them on Tuesday!

Happy the little guys can finally rest now. Hope you've got at least one of each sex, and that they do well for you!

Oh, nice blog post BTW!:)

Just noticed that this is my 500th post, YAY!!!:D That was also fast.;) 

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So I have a problem...

the airtight lid that was keeping my decipiens in has an opening click lid on top so I can open just that part without having to unscrew the whole lid. I thought that part would be secure enough but with a further inspection I found 2 small holes on the side of the lid which made it possible for the top part to open and close. I then realized 2 of the nymphs were missing... I believe they escaped. I've duct taped the holes shut now so there should be no more escapees. These have no chance of reproducing in my house right? The upstairs where they escaped stays around 65 Fahrenheit and less then 50 percent humidity. Remember these are only 2nd instar so it would be awhile for them to make it to adults. 

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Yikes, that sucks man, hope they didn't escape. They definitely won't infest your house, in fact at that age they'll probably die within a couple days of being outside their humid cage. :(

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2 hours ago, Roach collector said:

So I have a problem...

the airtight lid that was keeping my decipiens in has an opening click lid on top so I can open just that part without having to unscrew the whole lid. I thought that part would be secure enough but with a further inspection I found 2 small holes on the side of the lid which made it possible for the top part to open and close. I then realized 2 of the nymphs were missing... I believe they escaped. I've duct taped the holes shut now so there should be no more escapees. These have no chance of reproducing in my house right? The upstairs where they escaped stays around 65 Fahrenheit and less then 50 percent humidity. Remember these are only 2nd instar so it would be awhile for them to make it to adults. 

Dang, that really stinks. :( As Hisserdude said, these definitely can't infest your house, and since they are so fragile at this age, they'll likely perish quickly. Hope you can find them! 

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