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Bahhh Saturday and no package

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5 days in the mail. Cold winter temps. The heat pack was still warm. I lost one in a cloth bag and a few red runner adults in a plastic container. With the generous over count I’m still above what I ordered. ?

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14 hours ago, Matttoadman said:

5 days in the mail. Cold winter temps. The heat pack was still warm. I lost one in a cloth bag and a few red runner adults in a plastic container. With the generous over count I’m still above what I ordered. ?

Yup, cold is safer than hot temperatures with these guys, I'm glad you got red runners. Looking forward to pics.

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You know I got the red runners just cause I was given an amazon gift card and wanted to use it all. Man I really like them. There are always several running(hahaha) around. They are way bigger than I was expecting. So much so that I need a bigger bin. Plus I got many adults so ootheca should be soon.   

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I’m up to my third Blaberus molting into adults now. The first two died after two days of struggling. The third started last night and hasn’t made much progress. This one at least has the pronotum free but that is all. Is this the result of being stressed due to shipping? Would increasing the humidity help or is it too late at this point?

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Increase humidity and maybe temperatures and just hope for the best I suppose. Did you provide them with any vertical hides to molt off of? Some of the larger Blaberus molt best when given a vertical log or large bark slab to molt off of.

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Yeah, they are in a 29 gallon tank with sticks and bark angled to the tops, several inches of fresh moist coco fiber and oak leaves. Heated on one side I did find a properly molted one just now. ?So hopefully the first three were just flukes. 

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Huh, must have been flukes, or maybe there was some internal damage due to the shipping, IDK. Conditions should have been just fine for molting. 

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12 hours ago, Matttoadman said:

I wonder about humidity. Cardboard boxes and egg cartons would be pretty dry. Perhaps shipping can lead to dehydration? It was 5 days. 

Could have been dehydration maybe, dehydration certainly can lead to mismolts. You'd think they'd have rehydrated themselves after being with you for at least a day though, but maybe not.

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On 12/16/2017 at 5:21 PM, Matttoadman said:

Yeah, they are in a 29 gallon tank with sticks and bark angled to the tops, several inches of fresh moist coco fiber and oak leaves. Heated on one side I did find a properly molted one just now. ?So hopefully the first three were just flukes. 

Hmmm, 29 gallons? That's a pretty decent sized habitat for roaches isn't it?

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