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God of Roaches

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About God of Roaches

  • Birthday January 20

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Eggcase (1/7)



  1. Why don't these guys have a scientific name yet?
  2. Lol, Flordia has become a toxic waste dump for unwanted and escaped exotic pets.
  3. Roaches are build for inbreeding, it has no negative effects like it would on humans. You can start out with a colony of one male and one female that could eventually grow into the thousands.
  4. Woah, those look really cool , but it annoys me how the writer generalizes all roach species as pests.
  5. Two roaches I'm interested in getting are the Eublaberus sp. (Ivory-Head) and the Periplaneta australasiae (Australian Cockroach), however the info on care I've been able to find has been limited at best. So any info you guys can provide would be appreciated.
  6. Lol thats really cool, I never knew you could do that
  7. It was an actual nest, just some harmless honey bees.
  8. Here in Atlanta the hatred of insects has grown to a scary level. A few months ago walking in my yard I noticed that I had a bees nest deep in a bush to the side of the road, I was fascinated by them and watched them on and off for about a week. Then one day I was talking with one of my neighbors, and told her about my bees nest. To my suprise she totaly FREAKED and said that we have to get rid of them or else they would hurt her kids. I tried to explain that if we respected them them and left them alone no harm would come to us, but she refused to listen, I was about to snap at her that it was my property and there was nothing I'd let her do, but decided agasint it and thought she'd never actually take action. The next day I when I went to get the mail I saw the the nest was gone, those idiots must have torched it when I wasn't looking
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