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About Severus

  • Birthday 12/09/1987

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    Horses, dogs, movies, creatures big and small, new to roaches, books, history...Oh the list goes on and on.

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  1. http://www.amazon.com/Cockroaches-Ecology-...8410&sr=8-1
  2. I have found with my guys, the greener the lettuce the better. They will hardly touch the lighter leaves, but they all go nuts over the green leaf.
  3. Another question regarding numbers. In the United States, roughly how many species are kept? And what other creature can you get such variety so easily? I mean, you could have fifty different breeds of dogs in your home, but that would be too much work. And you'd likely be seen on an episode of Animal Cops and labeled a hoarder.
  4. So, besides being food for other creatures... what role DO cockroaches play in the world? I know it is broad considering all of the different ones, but it is just one of those puzzling newbie questions.
  5. They are so fascinating. I remember vividly when I was very young, probably around six, my brother called me into his room to show me a teeny little green baby mantis on one of his shirts before he put it outside. I'm sure by the end, I am going to be labled the "Bug Girl" here at school. It sucks going to an all girl school in that aspect. My first week, we walked around campus, and someone freaked out over some daddy long legs on one of the buildings. I had to calm them down. With a "they are perfectly harmless." *sigh* Girls. lol I think I am going to make some yard signs with "Share the Sidewalk" with a picture of an ant or something.
  6. My roommate called my attention to something earlier. I look over and there is a mantis right under her horseshow ribbons. So I climbed all over trying to find something long enough to reach him, and he flew across the room to a more accessible spot. My words "I didn't know they could fly! Cool!" I eventually got him to land on a rolled up poster, and took him outside. The girl in the lobby asked what I had, and she screamed "KILL IT! KILL IT!" I laughed at her and took it outside and put it on the shrub right outside the door. My roommate's words "You are nuts." LMAO
  7. I thought the little slideshow was pretty good, despite the attention grabbing title. Like Dragnet "Just the facts, ma'am." The bots definitely deserve to be there. I remember (mom said it was a bot), watching my mom get one out of a kitten's neck. That was awful, whatever it was. The kitten was okay though. All birds are very intelligent. Even my chickens are very smart. You should have seen the girls in my Biology class when we were playing with... I'm sorry, "studying" isopods (I was playing). They wouldn't even touch them. Heck I've been playing with "roly polies" since I was little. They had to pick them up with a scoop. I just reached in and picked them up. "Like, OMG, how can you do that?" Oh boy aren't they going to be surprised when my hissers move in to the professor's room for the winter. Worms, to me, are still horribly gross. To this day, I will not touch them, tiptoe around them on the wet pavement, and they give me the heebiejeebies. They should be on that list! I know that they aerate the soil and whatnot, but *shudder* ick!
  8. I for one am a major fan of vultures (one of the other creatures on the list). They are so big, harmless, and very useful. As we went to an event this spring there was a dead deer in a field next to the road that the vultures had just started to pick at. When we came home a few hours later, there was nothing but bones left. How cool! It was a good sized deer too.
  9. My first babies I only had less than 10. About that time, the humidity was really low. I freaked out when I saw them and ran to get my plastic lid to keep in the humidity. Two days ago when I came home after class to check on them, I didn't see the few in their usual spot on the leaves, turned over a piece of bark and found a large group of new babies along with the slightly larger ones, under the bark. They all scatter when I look at them, so I will have to find a good way to count them. There are a bunch of them. At least 30-40.
  10. What are you top five favorite species of roach?
  11. http://icanhascheezburger.com/
  12. Thank you Facebook. What about this place guys? I was hoping for a little bit bigger than business card size but you never know what they will have unless you email them. Heck they might be able to work something special out that is not listed. http://www.moo.com/ They even have sticker books. lol Now that would be fun.
  13. Not a dream crusher, Peter. Looking for places that have such a product is that. . I have not bought that book YET, but it is next on my list before my school books. Lets see: they places I could see the product for sale. Zoo Gift shops, biology classrooms, the homes of hobbyists....um....*some* pet shops.... I guess getting more people interested, or at least less creeped out, by the dreaded cockroach should come first. Oh I'm hoping my biology professor this fall is interested in bugs. I am hoping that he will let me keep my hissers in his room over the winter since my bedroom at home is not going to be allowed heat since I am going to live on campus. I tried to go in his classroom a few days ago because I saw tanks with what appeared to be "creepy crawlies" but I got sidetracked. There is not an Entemology class at the school I am going to. Maybe a poster with "all" the types on it with just the names? Wait. Is there a poster? I think I have seen something like that. It might have been butterflies.
  14. Well, you and matt and all the others who are so active and "know it all" are the Cockroach Masters. I am just an owner. I don't consider my self a 'hobbyist' just yet. Soon, maybe. And just maybe, I could become a master later on. lol Thanks! I'll see what I can find as far as production.
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