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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2017 in Posts

  1. This Parcoblatta has stolen a fly from a house spiders web and is eating away. First it ate the webbing and then the wings. How cool is this!
    1 point
  2. A couple of days ago during a cage clean out I was trying (carefully!) to extricate one of my hisser nymphs (born in January) from a crevice in piece of cork bark I wanted to move out of the cage. It really, really didn't want to budge, so I was trying to persuade it out by pushing it gently with a soft artist's paintbrush, when I heard this soft, quiet little hiss. At first I assumed I was just hearing one of the adults hissing from further away, but when it hissed again I could see its little abdomen contracting and it was definitely coming from the nymph That's the first nymph born in my care that has grown big enough to hiss, and after all the disappointments of the first few months of owning hissers, during which one of my females and the small number of nymphs she gave birth to all died, it finally felt like a proper roach keeping milestone has passed Yes, I know it's only a silly little thing, but it made me smile!
    1 point
  3. Like everyone said letting the substrate dry out a bit and adding clean up crews will help combat the problem. When I had fungus gnats in my B. Giganteus enclosure that's what I did + I added some fly sticky tape to the inside of their enclosure where the roaches couldn't get to it, and that took care of the rest of the gnats
    1 point
  4. Thanks! Not that big, a little bigger than your average P.scaber, at least that's how big all of mine are, they may have some growing to do though, who knows?
    1 point
  5. I've always liked the roaches and tarantulas, but the centipedes and whipscorpions were definitely an acquired interest. It wasn't too many years ago that I drew a hard line at centipedes. . . and then I did some reading. This past summer, I actually cried when my flagtail centipede died. Granted, a lot of that was guilt because I'd forgotten to take into consideration just how fast that stupid ceiling fan was going to dry out the bins, but I was very sad. I still can't find a new one, since the Brits (who seem to have plenty) can't ship to the US. So I've got a tiger on order from Peter, and I'm still thinking about getting a subspinipes. I'm just on the fence about having one that's that venomous in the house, since I've got the dogs and a pig who thinks bugs are delicious. So if anyone has a line on flag tailed centipedes, let me know
    1 point
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