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Disappointing article

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Check out this story. I had a problem with it for a few reasons. Most disturbing was the idea that bugs are contributing to global warming and that their contributions are only increasing. This doesn't add up in my mind because when I look in my own backyard I see less, well, EVERYTHING...except concrete, grass and fast food restaurants. It's ridiculous that this guy is touted as an expert when he's doing nothing but promoting his own selfish agenda and harming a few target bugs that wouldn't be there if people didn't create perfect habitats FOR pest species. Not to mention all the other plants, animals and general ecosystems that are affected when we spray our already sterile world with yet more unnatural chemicals.


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He totally overlooks the fact that without insects, we couldn't survive at all! Termites do produce a lot of methane, but that is small compared to what we do. Insects could even be said to reduce global warming, because their pollination creates more plants. We should all file a letter of complaint!

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Wow, what a load of unleaded $hit.

Blaming global warming on everything but ourselves.

Also, just the fact that they bring global warming into it; ocean buoys show that in the past few years the globe cooled by one degree; why doesn't any one quote the recent data, hmm?

Still; so now we're all going to go out and destroy all the bugs we can find to stop "global warming."

And doom the ecosystem in the process.


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That part about the planet cooling was something I'd never heard of. It's good though. Even though you have strong feelings Zephyr, you could contain them a little more though.

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That part about the planet cooling was something I'd never heard of. It's good though. Even though you have strong feelings Zephyr, you could contain them a little more though.

Sorry. I just get a little worked up when people bring two almost unrelated things together to fake a point and make money.

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Zephyr, you're totally justified. One could say that termites compensate for their farting by recycling and making the soil more nutritious for plants.

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Ooh, BURN! :lol::lol: This is so sad it's almost funny. I don't think the article was meant for the amusement of hobbyists, but it is turning out to be that. It would still be cool (and virtually impossible) for them to print a retraction.

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Ooh, BURN!

I was serious. I did not mean it as a joke. He's a "bug killer" in a Third World country and almost certainly has little education. If he had a degree in anything it would be mentioned in the article. He says, "I am a professional bug killer by accident...and what my poor English thought was "press control". It turns out it was pest control, and here we are." The ignorant "scientific" claims are only one supporting detail that shows his lack of education.

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