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Identification - Gromphadorhina portentosa and Princisia vanwaerebecki

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How to distinguish

Gromphadorhina portentosa


Princisia vanwaerebecki


Are they always differ on what the photograph in the Annex?

On the photographs are males - and as is the case of females?

Do you:

Gromphadorhina portentosa


Princisia vanwaerebecki

varieties have the same color? that is, blacks and


What they have color variations?

I greet all



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The so-called princisia readily cross with G. portentosa. The way to tell them apart is the notch in the pronotum but of course a few other genera have the same character and sometimes G. portentosa as well. They are "both" highly variable in coloration in the wild.

Females can't be differentiated.

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  • 1 month later...
I think that is the question Orin raises.

I have been told that while a grandidieri does exist in the wild, we don't have it in culture. I bring this up as instead we have misidentified out G. Portentosa as such.

As for P.V.? I am trying to determine yet whether the same thing is true or if we do have them in culture.

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