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So I have 3 tarantulas, Hank, Owen, and a wee little sling with no name...it is my tiny pet rock

Hank, my B.smithi


Owen, sold to me as a a.metallica but I personally believe she is a hybrid as to a few other T breeders/enthusiasts


B.albopilosa my tiny pet rock of a sling


I hope to in the future get an a.versicolor again, I had one but it died in molt which was sad as I had it as a tiny sling and it finally matured into adult colors. And a G.pulchripes. There are other species I would like, but I know those two for sure I will have in the future.

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I'm curious to why you think your A. metallica is a hybrid as well. It looks like the male I have now.

And I agree with Thomas, G. pulchripes is always a good option :)

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I'm curious to why you think your A. metallica is a hybrid as well. It looks like the male I have now.

And I agree with Thomas, G. pulchripes is always a good option :)

Can current species sold hybridize? Imagine a red knee mixed with cobalt blue, awesome!

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Nice T's Roman! I've had 3 B. Smithi and they were all great! I've had a pink toe, too, also great! I don't know the other one...

I am talking to TCR about special ordering a P. Ornata and an L. Hybana..

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