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E.floidana cockroaches feeding

daddy roach

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I like that they are so brave and will come out to eat or just investigate the disturbance I cause. They will take food from my fingers instead of just hiding from me, actually they will try to test my fingers out to see if they ARE food, even if they are really clean. The little nibbles don't hurt, but they will keep testing different parts of hand until given something with protein. :rolleyes:

They are my most handleable species, but I don't keep many species so I am not sure which others have such an outgoing personality. They seem to produce lots of young in no time, after what seems like a while.

How many do you have?

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That is funny. I started with 10 nymphs. One of them died at the subadult molt, so I had 9 to start the colony. Now I don't want to count how many. :P The oldest of my hatchlings are about half size. I don't think that I will need any more for quite a while, if ever, because my colony is now larger than I expected. :o I like to keep a small colony of pet roaches cause I am afraid of having too many one day.

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A few of mine just molted into adulthood and I finally caught wind of their odor today. It smells (and my wife agrees) like amaretto and maraschino cherries! I actually like that defense odor, lol!

These are definitely one of my new favorites too, fast, decent sized, and easily handled at most instars.

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  • 2 months later...

I've kept them for about 6 years now and keep finding more around my house, friends' houses, parks etc. :) It seems that sometimes the nymphs decrease in number as they get older, perhaps they cannibalize or escape, I can't figure it out, but few reach adulthood. Perhaps they need a larger container? They love oak leaves, I can almost always find dozens hiding around oak trees here. I notice they also seem to do better in dryer habitats and I find them mostly in dry, but dark areas.

I also adore their chemical defense odor... probably one of my favorite smells! But man it stinks like nothing else after they die...

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