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My Naturalistic Cockroach Setups

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No mold problem, all of my animals are clean for the time being, in fact the other day I got a heat mat because the smaller one that I have had for years hasn't been putting enough heat out in my opinion and they have bred much better! Thanks for asking

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Do your roaches eat the plants at all?? I tried live plants, but I had too much of a problem with that...

Yes, sometimes when the hissers climb up on the background they like to chew on the plant with the disk shaped leaves. I haven't noticed it lately though. I would get tall plants since the roaches can't eat on them as easily as ground cover plants. It also helps to get light bulbs that help plants grow. That way, the plants can more easily grow back what got eaten off.

Looks great! Do you have any mold problem?

I haven't had any mold problems yet. I have had some problems with grain mites in the G. lurida setup though.

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Great little chunks of rainforest!! The question I'm going to contribute: Why did you combine Gyna and Hemiblabera? Not saying you shouldn't, just wondering why.

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Great little chunks of rainforest!! The question I'm going to contribute: Why did you combine Gyna and Hemiblabera? Not saying you shouldn't, just wondering why.

I mainly combined the two species to give the vivarium a ecosystem/rainforest feeling to it. I also have isopods and springtails in the vivarium. The reason I combined these two species specifically was just a random pick, and the H. tenebricosa were cheap ;)

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