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Male Byrsotria sp. "Cuba" with super tiny wings


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When I first saw this guy I thought he got his wings chewed off by his fellow roaches but the "wings" are actually symmetrical and look natural. I've seen the males with full wings and half wings but never anything like this. I might pair him alone with some females to see if maybe it's genetic.


Has anyone seen something like this in another species?

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Weirddddd.... Maybe it is genetic! Or some sort of molting problem? Very interesting! Can't wait to see how his babies turn out!

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If he has babies and they're all normal, breed the babies to themselves! If this is genetic, it's probably recessive. So if the mom is dominant for normal wings (WW), and he's recessive (ww), the babies should all be Ww. Then you crossbreed the babies (Ww x Ww), and you should get approximately 25% with weird wings if it's a simple trait! Science baby!

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Doesn't look like a molting problem the wings should be larger than that even before expanding. Is there two sets of wings I only see one?

Be careful because his abdomen isn't covered by wings so he is vulnerable to being bitten and I injured by agressive males. Mabye make up a cage just for him, he should be fine mating with females though.

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Yea I've seen roaches right as they molted out and even then the wings were larger. It doesn't look like he has the second set of wings. If they are there they could be too small to see. I'll just put him with 3 females and see if this shows up again through the generations. It's going to take a while for sure.

I think I remember seeing a female dubia on here with something similar, but I can't find it again. The wing stubs were really small.

edit: I examined some of the other males and they have similar shaped wings underneath. The only difference with this male is that his are half as long. So maybe not as odd as I originally thought. I'll still do my little breeding project and see what happens.

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That could have happened. I've never seen them get chewed off so cleanly or completely before. The other males' hind wings are almost the same as his just a bit larger. So there could be nothing unusual about him.

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