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Air Tight Containers?


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I would recommend getting an airtight container, like a storage bin, then cutting a hole in the top and covering it with mesh that has very small holes- too small for babies to get through. It's true that roaches don't need a lot of O2, but if you have a very large colony, they can use up a surprising amount of air. One time I was cleaning a bin and put twenty or thirty Giant Lobster Roaches in an airtight plastic container for 2 hours, and when I came back, they were on their backs, twitching and motionless. I quickly removed the lid and fanned them with fresh air, then they slowly got better.

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The size of the container is important. I put my roaches in a small airtight container and they almost died, while Roman has his Hissers in what sounds like a large airtight container and they are fine. Basically, if you get a small container, you'll probably want to put airholes in it.

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What about something with extremely small holes, like metal grid ventilation panels? http://static4.depositphotos.com/1013817/357/i/950/depositphotos_3577560-Metal-grid-ventilation-shaft-with-tiny-holes.jpg

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You could stretch nylons over the top, then close the ventilated lid.

^^^Now there's a good idea!

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